Legal Notice
Massa praesent sit suspendisse ac volutpat amet. Commodo elit at non neque ullamcorper id.
I. Présentation
1. Éditor
The website, (otherwise known as the « Site »), is published by Société Buzdrinks Ltd, a Société under Irish law, whose registered office is located at 9 Exchange Place, Dublin 1 D01 X8H2, Ireland. The company Buzdrinks Ltd is registered under the company registration number : 655781. Tel: +353 (1526) 6743
2. Subject of the Site
The website is a corporate website dedicated solely to the presentation of Buzdrinks Ltd and is not intended to make electronic commerce.
II. Intellectual property
1. Ownership
The company Buzdrinks Ltd is the owner of the domain name of the Site. The Site as well as all software used in connection with the Site may contain confidential information or information protected by existing intellectual property right legislation or any other law. Hence, unless otherwise indicated, intellectual property rights relating to documents contained on the Site and to each of the elements created for the Site are the exclusive property of the company « Buzdrinks Ltd », given that the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » did not grant any license nor any other right except that of consultation to Internet user. In particular, trademarks and other intellectual property rights mentioned on the Site are owned by the company « Buzdrinks Ltd ». The reproduction of all documents published on the Site is authorized solely for personal and private use with a non-commercial aim. All reproductions and all use of photocopies for other purposes are explicitly forbidden. In terms of software, it is forbidden to copy, modify, create a derived work, reverse engineer its conception or assembly, or attempt, in any way, to find the source code (except when this is allowed by law), to sell, to grant, to sublicense, to modify or to transfer the software’s property rights. It is also forbidden to modify the software or to use a modified version of the software, particularly but nor exclusively in order to obtain unauthorized access to the service, or to access the Site through another interface other than that provided by the company « Buzdrinks Ltd »
2. Penalties
Use of all or part of the Site, in particular by means of downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or circulation for purposes other than personal and private use with a non-commercial aim by the Internet user, is strictly prohibited. The party liable for infringement of the above shall be liable to penalties stipulated in both the French intellectual property Code with regard in particular to copyright infringement (article L. 335-1 and seq.) and brand rights (article L. 716-1 and seq.) and the French civil Code with regard to general liability (article 9, articles 1382 and seq.).
III. Personal data
1. Personal data protection
The company « Buzdrinks Ltd » does not collect personal data.
2. Cookie
The company « Buzdrinks Ltd » may use « cookies » placed on the computer of Internet user when he or she visits the Site. A cookie stores specific visitor information about navigation on the Site (such as pages, time and date of the visit, etc). The aim is only to recognise Internet user when he or she subsequently visits the Site. No personal information is stored in the cookie itself. Moreover, cookies may be used with the aim of helping the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » to analyze web traffic and statistics. The company « Buzdrinks Ltd » commits itself to use information from cookies, only for the term which is necessary for the aim previously explained. Internet user has the right to be opposed to cookies registration by configuring the Internet browsing software in the following manner: For Mozilla firefox: 1. Chose the menu “tools” and “option” 2. Click on “privacy” 3. Chose the menu “cookie” and select options For Microsoft Internet Explorer: 1. Chose the menu “tools” and “options Internet” (or “Internet options”) 2. Click on “Confidentiality” 3. Select a level However, certain features of the Site may not be available if Internet user rejects cookies.
IV. Liability
1. Limitation of liability
The company « Buzdrinks Ltd » commits itself to ensuring, to the best of its ability, that the information posted on this Site is correct and up-to-date. However, the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » cannot guarantee the correctness, precision, thoroughness or completeness of the information available on its Site. As a result, the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » shall not be held liable for: – for any Site interruption; – for any bugs; – for any errors or omissions contained in the information available on the Site; – for any and all damage resulting from a third party’s fraudulent intrusion which causes modifications to the information contained on the Site; – for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its cause or causes, nature, origins or consequences.
2. Hypertext links
The Site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. The company « Buzdrinks Ltd » cannot control these sites and external sources. Hence, the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » cannot be held liable for those sites and external sources. In addition, the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » cannot be held liable for any damage or losses, true or alleged, deriving from the use or from having trusted the content, or goods and services available on those sites or external sources.
V. General
1. Amendments
The company « Buzdrinks Ltd » reserves the right to correct the Site’s content at any time and without warning. Thereby, such amendments shall be deemed accepted without reserve by any and all Internet user accessing the Site after the said amendments have been put on line.
2. Applicable law
These legal statements have been drawn up in accordance with French law and in particular the provisions of Law N°2004-575 of 21 June 2004 « for confidence in the digital economy » and of Law N°78-17 of 6 January 1978 on « data processiong, data files and individual liberties » amended by Law N°2004-801 of 6 August 2004. French courts shall exercise jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising from the use of the Site subject to contrary provisions arising from the Brussels Regulation dated 20 December 2000 concerning court jurisdiction and the application of rulings (said « Brussels I »).
3. Conception
The Site of the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » is developed and conceived by : Fingerprint Factory La Girafe Coworking 20 Place Saint-Martial F. 33300 Bordeaux Tél. : (+33)6 110 815 14 Website :
4. Hosting
The Site of the company « Buzdrinks Ltd » is hosting by : The company OVH 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX – France Tél. : 1007 Website :